Jun 22, 2019

2018/19 HKAIH & HKAHC Annual Awards Presentation Dinner

The dinner was successfully held at Kowloon Bay International trade & Exhibition Centre on June 22. To start off the dinner, founder and chairman of HKAIH & HKAHC, Mr. Thomas Wu, JP delivered a welcome speech to all guests and announced exciting news to the ice hockey community.

More than 560 attendees, including Mr. Yeung Tak-keung JP, Commissioner for Sports, Mrs. Helena Storm, Consul General of Consulate General for Sweden, Ms. Vivien Lau, BBS, JP, Vice President of the SF&OC and other honored guests, joined together to celebrate the accomplishments in the ice hockey community in 2018/19 season. It's our pleasure to invite Mr. Yeung accompanied by Mr. Wu to present souvenir to School Sponsoring Body to celebrate the School League 10th Anniversary.

Congratulations to all awardees!

Click here for event highlight!